Bryce (Adam's friend from college) arrived on Thursday and stayed until Sunday. It was fun having Bryce around. There was lots of music being played in the house along with good fellowship.
Jon had a busy week. The first Sunday of spring break Jon, along with the youth leader from church and another youth group member made a quick trip up to the San Juan Islands to check out a campground they plan on using in August for the annual bike trip. While Jon was getting ready for the trip Lorelei and I both asked Jon "did you bring enough warm clothes?" Of course the answer was "yes mom, yes dad". Well guess what??? Yep they all froze! Jon spent the middle part of last week at the church doing some filming for a video they are producing. Somewhere in between all that he managed to get in some running.
On Friday I took the day off and Lorelei, Cody, Adam, Bryce and I headed over to the coast for some crabbing! The weather report called for cloudy skies but no rain. Yeah right. The morning started out fine. We arrived at the boat launch around 9:00 and the tide was still out and we didn't have enough water to launch the boat, so we hung out, Bryce played his guitar and we hiked around a bit. guessed started to drizzle. We finally launched around 10:30.There were no other boat trailers in the lot so we had the whole bay to ourselves. I took Lorelei and Cody and some of our gear and headed out across the bay to the beach. Adam and Bryce stayed behind and baited up the crab pots.
I dropped Cody and Lorelei off on the beach and unloaded the gear then headed back to pick up the boys. We loaded the pots and headed back. We passed Lorelei and Cody and headed on out to the mouth of the bay to drop the pots. As we rounded the bend in the river, laying up on the beach were about 10 sea lions! We dropped the pots and headed back to the beach. As I was pulling the boat into shore, I hollered to Lorelei that she was missing an awesome photographic opportunity. When I told her about the sea lions she began running to get her camera! She asks where the sea lions were and I pointed in the direction and off she goes.
We set up a small shelter and put things under it that we didn't want getting wet. By now the drizzle was a "light rain" which kept up the rest of the day.
Below: Adam and Cody checking the crab pots.
Below: Looking out from the mouth of the river.
We didn't catch any keeper crabs this day but we had a great time. We stopped on the way home for a hot drink. More pictures from this trip and all of the March pictures can be found here.
Take care everyone,
Glynn Jr.