We had the coolest and wettest spring on record here in Oregon. This past week we finally had some temps into the 90's although it is suppose to cool off a bit for the weekend. The garden has finally perked up and the plants are enjoying the sunshine. We have been eating lots of fresh strawberries and raspberries. The blueberries are ripening and we have had a few cherries also.
We seem to be going through one of those phases here on the Pennington homestead where it seems that everything breaks at once. The lawn tractor has been giving me trouble and will need maintenance and a major overhaul of the mowing deck. Up in the pump house we had a pipe break. Thankfully the system worked as designed and shut the pump off before any major damage occurred but on investigation it was clear that we needed a new pressure tank. Also in the pump house one of the tanks that treats the well water is clogged and it looks like it will take some work to get it back on line.
Inside the house our clothes dryer needed repair AGAIN. Same problem with a faulty Kenmore design. Lorelei helped me pull it apart and replace the offending parts.
I replaced the faucet in our bathroom and we bought a nice one at a yard sale that will go in the boys.
This years allergy season has been a rough one. The late start of the warm weather has pushed the season well into July. Normally by the 4th we are starting to feel better but not this year. I seem to be particularly sensitive this year with Lorelei and Cody suffering also. The farmers are just now starting to harvest the wheat and grass seed, so another week or so and we should start to feel better.
We have taken a break from photography the past few weeks but I had to get out for an hour or so and get a few shots. Our place is awesome this time of year with flowers blooming everywhere.
Daisies up on the knoll near our campsite.

A Pacific Madrone leaf. These broadleaf evergreen's shed their old leaves and bark in the summer and grow new ones that stay green all through the winter.

A caterpillar I found.

I think this is a Chinese Lantern? Lorelei knows all the names.

I have no idea what this one is but they grow amidst the fields of Daisies. Maybe someone can identify?

A close up of the aforementioned mystery flower.

Ok, I should know this one but I don't and the resident expert is asleep.

In animal news, Queenie is doing well. The younger chickens have been assimilated with the two older ones and should start laying any time now. The bird houses outside in the grape arbor are full of babies. Lorelei and I sat outside last night watching the adult Wren's and Swallow's busily flying in and out trying to satisfy the ravenous youngsters. Whenever the adults leave there is a chorus of cheeps coming from the houses until the adults return with more food.
We haven't seen Adam for a few weeks. He is busy working. Jon is enjoying some time away from school and running. Cody has been doing lots of reading and playing Lego's.
That's about all for now.
Glynn Jr.