Lorelei gives some scale to one of the huge wheels.
And then a couple of more from Crater Lake
Other news around the place. The weather for the last month has been absolutely perfect! Not much rain and cool temperatures have made it very pleasant.
For the moment most everything is working as it should. The well system is back functioning as it should and hopefully will run trouble free for a while. Lorelei helped me do the front brakes and rotors on the Honda last weekend. One side is wearing too fast so I need to replace the calipers on that side. Small projects and lot's of going to yard sales have been our main weekend entertainment.
We have been eating fresh blueberries both from our plants and some purchased. The blackberries are ripening and the boys picked enough the other day for Lorelei to make a cobbler! The garden looks like we may eventually get some cucumbers and tomatoes. We have been eating good lettuce and a few peppers and carrots.
Adam came for a visit last weekend with his roommate Jon. Adam had been searching around Portland for a guitar for Cody and brought it with him.We met for lunch and then spent the rest of the day visiting.
Jon is on the annual bike trip with his youth group at the San Juan Islands in Washington this week. I think they took some 85 young people this year! Jon is a "small group leader" so he is in charge of several of the youth. Jon has worked very hard with everything from fund raising to working on putting bikes together for those that have none so they could go on this trip. He returns tomorrow.
Cody has just been hanging out and doing lots of reading!
In animal news we are trying to get rid of Queenie's fleas. We are getting close to giving her "the shave" similar to the one she got last year. We got our first egg from the new chickens yesterday so we will soon have more than we can eat. We have been watching the antics at the bird feeder recently where the mothers of the new fledglings are still feeding their "babies" that are now bigger than they are. It is quite comical to see one of these huge young birds flying around, eating and drinking on their own and then suddenly the mother flies up to it and starts cramming more food and water down it's throat. Ummmm can you say "helicopter parent"?
It's suppose to be HOT this weekend so we may have to head for the river to cool off.
That's about all for now.
Leave us a comment, we enjoy hearing from everyone.
Glynn Jr.