Thursday, January 26, 2012

January is slipping away.......

January is almost over. Cody is having fun playing basketball. I think we are taking him next week to a local cardiologist for a test.

In other news around the place, we have had a lot of rain and snow the past couple of weeks which has pushed many of the rivers over flood stage.Our little creek flowing down off of the hill went over it's banks and cut a small path through our driveway but the damage was not too bad.
Queenie (our dog) is doing ok although she doesn't have a lot of energy. The chickens are giving us plenty of fresh eggs.
After many years of putting up with a less than perfect stove and oven, we purchased an "upgrade"

Lorelei is quite happy with the new addition!

As for me, I am busy at work and as always way behind on my chores around the place. Jon is doing well up at Seattle Pacific and he was invited to a banquet that is exclusively for the students in the top 5% of the class. Wow..........nice job Jon!
Adam's job is doing well in Portland. They have changed ownership and it sounds like things are improving.
Lorelei is getting over her 4th cold of the season! Her job keeps her around sick kids all the time and she has had a heck of a time this year staying healthy.

That's about all for now,
Glynn Jr.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Going back a few weeks......

I wanted to go back a few weeks and get caught up on the end of the year stuff. Jon and Corina wanted to go up to the mountains and play in the snow before they headed back to college after the Christmas break. There was only one problem........there was no snow! We had one of the driest Decembers on record. So when I got home from work on Thursday Dec. 29th they had changed the plans to Geocaching at the coast.  Jon got online and located some caches and on Friday away we went! Corina's family joined us later in the day. We had dinner at the Otis Cafe to finish off the day. We finished up the day with a total of (6) caches found for (6) attempts!

Below, Jon racing for the cache at the fish hatchery.

Even though Jon is fast, Corina found the cache.

Not to be outdone, Lorelei finds the next one.

Then Cody with a tough find, a snail hidden on top of an old growth stump!

It was a wet and windy day over on the coast, but it did not deter us at all. We had a great time with friends and family!

Glynn Jr.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First post of the New Year.....

Well.....several of you have inquired about Cody and his last doctors visit. We took him in to have a simple physical so that he could play basketball for the middle school. Our regular pediatrition who has looked after all 3 boys for the last 17 years was out of the office so another doctor filled in. We thought ok it's just a quick physical. I wasn't there (probably a good thing) the first thing she wanted to do was give him a shot for STD's? we don't need that, we need a physical? She listens to his heart and hears a murmur. Then because he is tall and lanky she measures his wingspan and then checks his spine and says that she suspects Marfan Syndrome and we need to travel to Portland for testing and that she will not pass him to play basketball!

Ok so the first thing we do is begin researching Marfan. First off only 30% of all cases DO NOT have family history of Marfan. A wingspan wider than your height is a symptom of Marfan's, Cody's wingspan is 2" longer than his height. Mine is 2" longer and Jon's is 3-1/2"! He has slight scoliosis (another symptom). Jon has scoliosis.

So.....out of about 20 symptoms of Marfan's he only has 3 and 2 of them run in the family! So we set up an appointment to see our regular doctor. The doctor checked Cody over carefully and yes he could hear the murmur (which is quite common in young people). He concluded that Cody does not need to be tested for Marfan's and that if it was his son, he would let him play basketball. We may still see a cardiologist just to be sure. I'm going to stay off of my soap box about our health care system but if we had just listened to the doctor without researching on our own and taking some initiative we would have been spending time and money on needless testing. Keep Cody in your thoughts and prayers, he is one speacial guy!

Glynn Jr.