The Columbia Helicopter's company picnic, Cody and I were in the horseshoe tournament on separate teams. Cody's team was fourth and mine was second place.
Lorelei and Cody enjoying some shade at the picnic.
Cody has been a Christian for many years but has never been Baptized. So a couple of weeks ago he followed Jesus' teachings and took the plunge in our Church's beautiful Baptismal Font.
Checking the water temperature.
Cody professing his faith and desire to be Baptized.
Lorelei's sister Penny flew up for a visit. She lives in Southern California. We went out to one of the Fishing Club's properties.
Adam and I trying our luck in the canoe.
Cody, Lorelei and Penny trying a different kind of luck.
Touring our property, Penny, Jon, Corina, me and Cody.
Everyone pitched in to make a wonderful turkey dinner complete with stuffing and all the fixins....yum!
I had the VERY important job of carving the turkey.
September also means apples and salmon fishing!We went out on Friday. Jon and Lorelei both hooked a fish but we lost them both (the fish, not Lorelei and Jon).
That's about all for now.
Glynn Jr.