Lorelei on the maiden voyage trying out the Captains Seat. She found out it's not adjustable so we threw a couple of cushions behind her. Note to self, replace Captains Seat.
The boys with Adam at the helm.
Adam driving the new ride onto the trailer.
Feb. was Member Appreciation month at the Air Museum. We got to tour Air Force II
I told Lorelei to call ahead and move out our reservations at the country club.
Inside Lorelei took up with some shady characters. It's a good thing I had my light saber.
Jon was home for only 4 days on Spring Break. We headed for the coast one of the days. We had great weather and we found some fish! Lorelei with a keeper greenling.
Adam with a nice rock bass.
Jon with a couple of nice ones!
On Monday before Jon left for Seattle we went over to our farmer friend's pond. The bass were biting!
It's been a busy Spring thus far. Lorelei is working a one on one with a sweet 5th grader that suddenly last year started having seizures. The doctors don't know why but suddenly it's like you just flip the switch to her body off and she goes down. It's stressful and Lorelei follows her around all day trying to keep her from hurting herself when her body suddenly shuts off.
Adam and Pam are in Vancouver WA and working their E-bay business. Jon is getting ready to finish up at Seattle Pacific! Cody is doing great. He's in a quartet that will be singing at the annual May Day show put on by Amity HS. He has a piano recital next month also!
I'm way behind in my yard work but oh well.
That's about all for now!
Glynn Jr.