Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I fell behind again!

Too much going on. Cross country is winding down, this week is districts and a week from Saturday is the state meet. Our guys are running well and should qualify for the state meet. They are going to need to run even faster if we are to have a shot at a team state title. We have one girl (Kelsey) who also has a good chance of qualifying this week.
Lorelei is feeling better! When I get a chance I need to tell the story of Adam trying to get on the road to leave for college! Lorelei would not get out of his truck so he could leave. Adam is doing well but we have not seen him for a few weeks. He works lots of hours when he is not in school to pay his bills. He has no student loans. He got a little scholarship money and some help from family but other than that he is doing it on his own. We are very proud of you son!

Glynn Jr.

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