We cleaned up most of the garden on Sunday. We picked the last of the tomatoes and bell peppers. I also found some carrots that I had forgotten about. We turned the chickens out to help clean things up. In the afternoon I heard some squawking up on the knoll. It didn't sound like a chicken but it looks like only 9 hens made it back in the coop at the end of the day, so I am thinking that a coyote or some other critter had a chicken dinner last night. Jon cleaned out the rain catch system for the animals and we turned off the irrigation line so it will not freeze. I need to trim a few more fruit trees and clean the rain gutters and I think we are ready for the cold!
Cody was a big help also. He trimmed some maple trees and raked leaves. He and his friend down the street disappeared later in the afternoon with a wagon full of stuff they had put together. They went up on the knoll, built a campfire and made a pot of hot water and had some tea. They stayed up there until well after dark.
Lorelei is trying to use up the apples before they go bad. We had a great yield this year. She made us an awesome apple crisp yesterday. Last week she made apple sauce!
Below is a cool sunset from a couple of weeks ago.
Glynn Jr.
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