Ok, so I'm kidding, more on that later.
So we have been looking for a car for Jon. We made him the same deal we did with Adam. We go in halves on a vehicle and help with any fixing up that needs to be done and in turn it gets used by the family until he goes off to college. This helps out the household by not needing to drive the Expedition (gas guzzler) sometimes. We wound up with a 1990 Nissan Sentra with supposedly 124,xxx original miles?? It looks clean and drives great, so time will tell if we got a good deal.
Jon has been working at various jobs to earn money for his half of the car and his insurance. He is currently working with some farmers near us picking cherries (actually he shovels ice onto the cherries for delivery to the processing plant). They have to pick (they actually shake them off of the trees) early in the morning, so Jon is up about 4:30 and gets home around noon each day. He has also worked some for a family in town which every year he helps them with yard and house maintenance. He has also cut firewood.
Below, Jon's new car:
The weather around here has been down right HOT! We usually don't complain about an occasional 100 degree day, but multiple days in a row over 105 now that gets to be a pain. Two evenings in a row it was 91 degrees inside the house. It's suppose to cool down this weekend and next week we are vacationing over on the coast so we are looking forward to that!
So back to the first picture:
Well I have had several spots on my face, chest and back that were "suspicious" so at Lorelei's urging I went in to see her doctor. Amy is a nurse practitioner and really knows her stuff. She froze one spot on the side of my temple (now that one really stung) and took (3) biopsies. Yep, one of them came back positive for the slow growing cancerous what ever it is (Lorelei is the expert on this subject) so I get scheduled to have it removed. Lorelei was due to have a check up so we scheduled a "doctor date" together.
So Monday night I am playing basketball and I catch a mean elbow to my left eye. It starts to swell and turn all kinds of cool colors. On Tuesday Lorelei and I head to the doctor. Amy's first comment when she sees my eye "so did you make Lorelei mad?" Amy this day has a medical student with her getting some on the job training.
First Lorelei gets checked out and it's decided that one of the moles on her stomach looks suspicious and a spot on her face needs frozen so out comes the "silver can of pain" and I watch as the giant stainless needle is aimed at Lorelei's face. Lorelei winces and a few seconds later it's over. Then they get out the real needle and numb up the spot on her stomach and Amy slices off the mole and into the cup to be sent off for testing.
Finally it's my turn. I am feeling a little left out especially because my appointment was suppose to be first and so far Lorelei was getting all of the attention. So I take off my shirt and get into the chair and a third nurse comes in to assist. So they are numbing me up and Amy starts cutting. To my surprise Lorelei stands up and is watching! Only for a moment though and she sits back down.
Amy says that the incision should take about 4 or 5 stitches and is explaining how to take care of it so as to minimize scarring. Of course I open my big mouth and say "hey I told the guys I was getting at least 6 stitches" and "I was kind of hoping for a big scar". Amy says "would you like us to make it look like a bullet or a knife wound?" Of course I agree that that would be cool.
On Wednesday I pull off the bandage and wow! I guess Amy took me seriously because the incision is about 2-1/2 inches long and there are 10 stitches! All you guys and gals out there who love to be out in the sun or the tanning booth. Anything I say may not change your mind, but I can tell you that skin cancer is very real and it is like many other ailments of today in that it is very preventable.
We are on vacation this week! Yea.....We will be staying close to home. Full report next time.
Take care all,
Glynn Jr.
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