This is NOT a leisurely sight seeing tour. These boats are big and fast and apparently they have made a reputation by seeing how much water they can manage to splash over the sides and front of the boat. So not only were we being rained on from above, we continually had walls of water from the front and sides, until all occupants of the vessel were completely saturated. I planned accordingly and had full rain gear but it was a challenge keeping my camera dry. The kids had a blast and many were shivering by the time we got back to the dock.
Now you would think that a company that makes a reputation practically drowning it's patrons, would have somewhere for them to change after the event??? NOT. So we made do and gathered all the boys around the corner while the girls changed on the bus and then the boys had their turn.
Below: The tour on the jet boat took us up very close to the Oregon City Falls.
After the jet boat ride we headed to Claim Jumpers for a great dinner.
Below: Corina, Lorelei and Jon.
Then on Saturday was the big day and Jon graduated from high school.
Below: Jon and Corina
As Salutatorian Jon gave a speech and what an awesome speech it was. Jon is a natural in front of an audience. He spoke of life, family and his Lord and Savior.
My dad and Franci flew in for the graduation. Adam was here from Portland and brought his roommate John. We had a great time celebrating Jon's accomplishment.
In other news, this has been the wettest June on record here in the Northwest.
The garden is a mess with wilting, yellowing tomato plants but we are getting some strawberries.
The kids are all out of school and we are celebrating Cody's birthday this weekend. He turns 12!
Our allergies are acting up and for the next few weeks we will be suffering as the pollen increases.
That's about all for now,
Glynn Jr.
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