In other news around the place. I finally got some trees on the ground last weekend. There is a retired couple in the big city that buys 2 cords of firewood from us every year. They travel a long way to get the Pacific Madrone wood that we have so much of on our property. It is very dense and burns well but it is a pain in the rear to cut and split!
I was up on the knoll working last Sunday trying to get some of the bigger logs split. We don't have a hydraulic log splitter so all the splitting is done with mauls and wedges. I do some of the cutting with a buck saw and an axe, limiting the use of the chainsaw to the bigger chunks. I enjoy the exercise and the quiet of being out in the woods without noisy machinery.
So Lorelei comes outside and walks up to the knoll to check out what I am doing. She sees the splitting maul laying there and asks "how heavy is that". I say "pick it up and see". So after a few funny noises she gets the thing off the ground. I give her a few quick pointers and the next thing I know she is attempting to split this big chunk of Madrone. After a few tries (hopefully she doesn't read this, but it was more than just a few) she gets the chunk split in two. To my surprise she wanted to try another! So by the time the second piece was split she was ready to call it a day. Well needless to say she has been in pain all week with a sore shoulder and wrist. I have been ribbing her all week about auditioning for Axe-men.
Not much other news. Lorelei has been working a lot. Adam stopped by a couple of weeks ago to help with a computer problem. Jon is busy with school and work. He travels this weekend up to Seattle to visit Seattle Pacific U. and of course to see Corina. He is taking the train so that will be a new experience for him. Cody's report card was straight A's again with excellent remarks from his teachers. They really enjoy having him in class.
That's about all for now.
Glynn Jr.
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