Well….it’s been too long since I have updated everyone. We have been busy with life and family.
Adam’s 4th gear in his car went out a few months ago and he decided to rebuild the manual transmission himself. He brought his car home and lifted it off of the ground under the car-port and the fun began! His car, in a previous life must have lived, submerged in salt water because EVERY bolt and nut on it is rusted solidly together to form an impenetrable bond. This has been the third weekend of transmission 101. Adam has done most of the work, with only an occasional helping hand from me. He and Pam usually arrive Friday night or early Saturday, so it has been fun having them around.
A few weeks ago we picked up a “new to us” boat. It’s a little bigger and faster than our old boat. I have been busy making little adjustments to suit us. I managed to take it out with my friend Troy a couple of weeks ago and got a salmon!
Lorelei and I took it over to the coast last Friday and although the fishing wasn’t good, we did manage to bring home some crab. We also got a close up and personal show from the resident sea lion population. Lorelei got these shots as we drifted by their resting spot.
Jon is busy with school and work up in Seattle. He and Corina are planning on coming home for Thanksgiving. Cody is doing awesome in school. Our dog Queenie is not doing well. She had some minor surgery to remove a growth a week or so ago. We think she has cancer and she has trouble breathing and getting around.
Other happenings around the place, the chickens are not laying many eggs. I think it’s time to turn the light on in their coop. Our apple trees did well this year and we have picked hundreds of pounds of apples. Lorelei has made apple sauce, apple crisp and any other recipe with apple in it! We have given away bags and bags and filled the refrigerator full and there is still more on the trees!
That’s about all for now,
Glynn Jr.
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