Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm in a bind and way behind.....

I'm sorry for the lack of posting as of late. Seems like life is coming at us fast right now. It's ok....I'm not complaining....ok.....I'm not complaining a lot. To catch up first about Cody, he had an echocardiagram (sp?) a few weeks ago and all is well with him. He has a little leakage around one of his valves but the doctor said that was not unusual. They said the leakage is what they can hear as a "murmur" and that if he wasn't so skinny they wouldn't be able to even hear it. So we found a test for skininess!

Cody is doing awesome in school. His class had a paper they studied a few weeks ago and for extra credit they were instructed to come up with as many words as they could using the letters from the title of the paper (I forget what it was called). On the last day before he was to turn in the extra credit we had to make him go to bed as he passed the 750 word mark. Before school the next day he reached his goal of 777 words! Needless to say he had the most of anyone in his class.

This last Saturday we went over to our favorite pond. Cody and I, took fishing gear and Lorelei took care of the photography!

Lorelei has another long term sub job that will last through the end of the year. It's in our home town of Amity so she gets Friday's off! I hope we get a chance to get in some fishing this spring.

Adam and Jon are doing well. We are looking forward to Jon being home for spring break in a couple of weeks.

Sorry for the short post. I have been so busy with work lately it's hard to find time.

Glynn Jr.

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