On Tuesday the 23rd Adam was going to drive home from Portland after work. We were worried about him driving in the terrible road conditions so we decided to go and get him. We ( Lorelei, Jon, Cody and I) headed out from the house a little after 3:00 in the afternoon for a normal drive time of about 1 hr and 15 min to Portland. It took us over 3 hrs to get there! Snow, ice, freezing temperatures were just a few of our problems. We finally made it to Adam's place of employment and put a new set of chains on his truck and then we headed back to his dorm room at the college.
Adam shares the room below with another student. Adam had said that his room was small. We were surprised how SMALL it really is!
We finally made it back home after 10 pm. We were greeted with a chilly house with no electricity or running water (the well doesn't pump water without power)
Below, trying to melt snow in the kitchen worked out well until the soot from our outdoor cooking pots smoked up the house enough to set off the smoke detectors. We moved everything out of the freezer and the fridge.
Christmas day, still no power. We made the best of it. We went into town for dinner to one of the only restaurants that was open. It was packed with people but it was nice to sit down and be warm and not worry about melting snow to do the dishes. They also had some amazing bathrooms there that had lights that worked with the flick of a switch and toilets that flushed!
Jon and Lorelei
Cody got some nerf dart guns and the boys spent some time target practicing.
The snow is really pretty, but we were so glad to see the rain!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Ours had some challenges but we endured. The boys were a great help and kept a positive attitude through the whole thing. We were all healthy and we have much to be grateful for.
All of the pictures for December are HERE
Glynn Jr.