Adam has turned into a "health nut" and I say that with the utmost admiration. He doesn't touch sugar, everything he eats must be natural and organic. He is running and working out and he's in great shape. Kudos to you son, we are very proud of you!
Jon is busy with school, basketball and church. If the team can pull together they may do well but our league is the toughest in the state.
On the 17th Cody performed in the schools winter recital. Cody has an amazing ear for music.
All of the pictures from the recital are HERE
Christmas was low key for us. Adam came home on Christmas Eve about 6:00 p.m. and had to leave on the 26th in the morning. We had a great meal and good fellowship. The oil needed to be changed in Adam's truck so we took care of that chore. Adam and Jon whooped up on Cody and I in Pinochle.
I took most of the week off and spent time on chores around the place. I cut down some trees and had a burn pile going on the 23rd. I was raking debris into the pile and set the rake up against a nearby tree. I turned back towards the tree and forgot about the rake and just like in the cartoons, I stepped on the end and WHAM. Busted my lip open and nearly knocked out a tooth. This was an hour before Lorelei and I were leaving to go Christmas shopping. So I spent the day going from store to store with cool stuff oozing out of my continually swelling lip. To top it off, somehow I got poison oak all over the back of my neck. Hmmm....I think it's safer for me at work.
The new chickens are finally starting to lay a few eggs. Queenie is doing well. The bird feeder has been jammed lately. Mostly juncos and chickadees and of course lots of quail. We also have a wayward female pheasant that has been hanging around (wayward because she has a tag on her beak so she must belong to someone).
I will post some Christmas pictures when I get to them.
Glynn Jr.
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