Jon with some fancy gourmet tea.
On Monday the 28th and Tuesday the 29th Lorelei took care of the two kids that she babysat several years ago. It was fun seeing Maggie and Eden again. I took off work most of that week so I got to spend Tuesday with them too.
When I awoke Tuesday morning the temp was in the low 20's. A quick check of the weather report said that rain was moving in and the snow level would be at 4,000 feet. Being that we are only at 750 ft problem right? So about 10:00 the kids wanted to go outside, so we bundled everybody up and went up to the campsite. The temperature was NOT warming up and sure enough, no sooner was the campfire going than it started to snow! How in the heck could they miss the weather forecast by this much.? Roads and freeways in Portland were shut down, cars were stuck on the road coming up and down our little mountain road. Oh well we stayed outside until everyone was thoroughly wet and cold.
Below Eden holds a warm cup of hot chocolate while Maggie decides if she likes the snow.
Eden and Cody having some fun on the sled .
All of the pictures from December can be found HERE
The day after the snow storm I got myself into a pickle (I know....what a surprise)...see there was this maple tree that was angled towards the power lines near the top of the property. So I decide... (sometimes my reasoning behind my decisions is questionable) that it needs to be cut down. So the big worry is getting the tree to fall away from the power lines. So I start cutting and putting chains and cables to pull the tree the way I want and I begin to get nervous. So I go back to the house to get Jon and the truck. We hook up the truck so I can pull while Jon finishes cutting the tree. Well to make a very long story short, I managed to get the truck stuck and I pinned my brand new Carhart jacket (the one Lorelei got me for Christmas) under the bumper of the truck!
We got the truck jacked up and freed my new jacket. Then we managed to get the truck out of the mud. Finally it looked like the tree was going to fall the right way so we put a come-along on it and winched it the rest of the way over. No problem.......of course now we had muddy chains and cables, the truck was a mess and oh new jacket. Luckily Lorelei was in town so I put my jacket in the washing machine and it came out great!
New years was uneventful, nice and quiet. Adam came home on Saturday and he heads back to Portland tomorrow.
That's about all for now!
Glynn Jr.
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