Sunday, September 23, 2012

End of another summer.....

Saturday of Labor Day Weekend we headed to the coast. Jon had to work so Lorelei, Cody, Adam, Pam and I headed over. We brought back some yummy crab! Another great day on the water.

 Adam trying for a salmon.
 Adam measures another keeper.

On Sept. 5th Jon loaded up his car to head back north to school. He is a PA (Peer Advisor) this year so he needed to be back early for training and to get everything ready for his charges to arrive.

We headed up on Sunday Sept. 9th with the larger items Jon couldn't fit in his car. He has a room to himself this year so he can have more furniture. He built a desk for himself over the summer and we brought him a chair and his refrigerator.

He's got a great view of the campus from his window.

It was nice getting a tour of the grounds and building without anyone around.

So another year begins.

This year Cody started his freshman year of high school! (I'm getting too old for this) Cody has been busy with his music. He is taking piano lessons. He has a keyboard in his room and he practices and makes up songs of his own. He also plays guitar and has recently purchased a violin.Go Cody!

That's about all for now!
Glynn Jr.