Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fishing, a tree and Cody

My brother moved from Arizona this month to Oregon! He wasn't quite ready for all the rain we get in our part of the state, so he dropped his stuff off in Medford and drove on up north to visit. It didn't take long for us to find some water and as luck would have it, we had fishing poles along too. He will only be about 3-1/2 hours away now, so hopefully we'll get more fishing time together!

This last Thursday the 24th I arose at 4:10 (my normal time for work) and staggered out to the kitchen to start the coffee. Queenie wanted out, so I walked over and opened the front door. Queenie just sat and stared out the door but wouldn't go out. I start to scold her and then I look up and something didn't look right? It took a few seconds for my brain to comprehend what I was seeing! After realizing what had happened, I knew there was a little clean-up to be done and we weren't going anywhere until the tree was removed from across the driveway!

 Lorelei and I worked all day. She needed to go down the hill to pick up Cody from school at 4:30. I didn't want to cut the tree at the driveway until the top (that was on my car) had been removed, for fear the tree would "tip" downward. Finally about 3:00 in the afternoon I started on the main trunk attempting to clear a path.

We worked dodging rain showers. Lorelei was a trooper.
 Lorelei gives some scale to the root ball!

The car didn't fair too well! The appraiser came out and it's a total loss. I'm without a car.

I had Cody help me with the tape measure. 85ft from the base of the trunk to the house and there was at least 5ft more that hit the top of the house and tore part of the rain gutter loose.
  Cody and I spent the better part of yesterday continuing the cleanup and it's still not done!

Friday night was Cody's Piano Recital! A great show put on by all the students. Cody played 3 pcs. The last one, his own alteration of a song from Lord of the Rings. If you'll notice, Cody didn't use sheet music but memorized everything. He's been playing piano a little less than two years.

 Next weekend will be a busy one. Cody and Adam will be playing in the annual May Day celebration at the high school. Cody will also be singing the national anthem in a quartet! Then on Sunday Cody has been asked to be the auctioneer at a local church in town for their fundraiser.

That's about all for now!
Glynn Jr.