Saturday, May 31, 2014

News for May 2014

Wow, another month has slipped by me! May was a good month. It started off with Cody and Adam playing at the world famous Amity May Day Celebration! Cody also sang in a quartet singing the National Anthem.

If you didn't get a chance to see the video of Cody and Adam on Face Book you can click  


For Mother's Day Cody and I worked on the back walkway and decks, sprucing things up a bit and planting a few flowers for Lorelei.

For Memorial Day weekend we headed up to one of the Fishing Club properties for some fishing and relaxing. Jon and Corina came down from Seattle and our friends the Hake's joined us.
Lorelei with a nice rainbow.
 This one wasn't quite ready to pose for a picture.
 Jon and Corina trying their luck.

The Hake's!

On Sunday afternoon it started raining so the kids headed for the shelter of the trailer for a game of Settler's.

Here's a short video of the Upper Lake.

Here we are on a hike, lost somewhere in the deep wilderness of the coast range. I found an old machete that I used along with my survival skills to bring us home safely.

We ended the month by attending the awards presentation for Amity High School, where Cody came away with a few! 

That's about all for now. Keep the cards and letters coming!

Glynn Jr.