Sunday, January 25, 2015

Well I've done it again.......

I've let too much time pass between updates. Lots of stuff going on. Birthdays, holidays and the new building project have taken their toll on free time!
Let me try and start where I left off last time. In November we were invited to Jon's, surprise (not really) proposal to Corina party! She knew it was going to happen but didn't know the exact time and date. So we gathered at Corina's parents place, friends came from all over the state (and some from other states) and Jon proposed. Everyone was relieved when Corina said "YES"!

Carmen and Lorelei, mother-in-law's to be.

 Father-in-law's to be, Glynn and Dan

November remained busy. Lorelei had a surgery to remove a cancerous spot from her leg. It was a large chunk that had to be removed but they got all of it and the margins around the area were clear!

We have also been putting in lots of time on the new shop building. In conjunction with re-building the old shop, there was some electrical work that needed to be both to the house and the shop. A ditch needed to be dug for a splice from the old electric pole to the house and then a large post hole for the new pole down by the shop. Now usually an 18" deep ditch, 20' long is not a big deal, BUT in our ground it is a major undertaking! Jon and Cody did an awesome job helping out. The day the ditch needed to be filled in, it rained 2.77 inches and Cody was a little wet!

As for the new shop, it's coming along slowly. I had help on Thanksgiving day with the 24" long roof panels. Adam and Jon showed up one Saturday and really helped out with the retaining wall and busting up the old concrete. Cody has been doing a great job helping out! Lorelei was also out there last Sunday helping to move stuff.

In November was also Jon's birthday and of course Thanksgiving. Uncle joined us for Thanksgiving and as usual the food and the company was awesome!

Jon's birthday dinner.

December is Lorelei's birthday, then Adam's and finishing off the year with Christmas!
In between working on the new building made it a busy season!

Adam with some new knife sharpening equipment for his birthday.


Adam and I with matching tackle bags!

Cody, Adam and Jon

In between we have added a few fishing trips and my birthday was the beginning of January. Things have settled down a bit. I hope to have "phase II" of the new shop building complete by Spring and maybe "phase III" by summer. The planning for Jon and Corina's wedding on Aug.15th of this year is in full swing! Cody is busy with school and church. He plays music every Sunday for services. He jumps around from piano to drums and he has also been lead singer a couple of times! He has written several pieces of music also. Stay tuned for updates!

Glynn Jr.

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